Our Partners


Jersey Overseas Aid

“JOA’s mission is to translate the generosity, skills and compassion of the people of Jersey into effective assistance for the world’s most vulnerable people.”


Royal jersey agricultural & horticultural society

“Jersey cattle, or more often a Jersey crossbreed, [is] ideal for many smallholder farmers in resource-poor contexts. Supporting developing dairy industries by providing Jersey Island genetics, mainly through the export of frozen bull semen, remains part of what we do, but in recent years the Society’s international work has expanded significantly into a range of ‘Dairy for Development’ initiatives around the world.”



world jersey cattle bureau

“The Bureau represents Jersey breeders, and their organisations, around the world and is incorporated on the Island of Jersey with its registered office at the Royal Jersey Showground. The Bureau’s administration is run from the UK. Our mission is:

'Jersey - the Sustainable Choice'

Creating on-going economic improvement; making Jerseys the sustainable choice for every dairy farmer ”


ripple effect

“Our proven approach brings smallholder farmers together to learn more, grow more and sell more. They can feed their families nutritious food, and with a surplus to sell can invest in their farms, send their children to school and build sustainable agri-businesses.”


FURTHER Partners

Amthe Capital recognises the importance of SDG 17: Partnerships to achieve the goals.

If you would like to collaborate then please get in touch through the contact link.